The following research, reports, legislation and other materials have been collected by the planning group as it examines the impact of the shifting aging demographic on several facets of our society including the economy, workforce, transportation and infrastructure, businesses, and market-based products and services. Other areas impacted by a growing aging population include state and local revenue, budgets and fiscal policies, Medicaid and other safety-net programs, family caregiving, and public and private options for long-term care, services and support. The documents and information provided below are offered to the public and researchers as the planning group and others work to develop a comprehensive aging strategy for the state of Colorado.
- Literature review
Colorado Commissions and Reports, April 2016
Other State Reports, April 2016
Colorado Legislation, April 2016
Federal Legislation, April 2016
Miscellaneous Reports, April 2016
Aging Acronyms, April 2016
- By Topic Area
- Action Plan Research Reports
Long-Term Services and Supports
Conversations on Aging: Coloradan's Identify Gaps, Needs, and Hopes for an Aging Population
- Presentations
State Plan on Aging 2020-2023, Greg Smith and Laura Miller, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, July 2019
Colorado and Age-Friendly Public Health, Dr. Gabriel Kaplan, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, July 2019
Age-Friendly Communities: Larimer County, Jim Becker, Partnership for Age-Friendly Communities, July 2019
Accountable Health Communities, AJ Diamantopoulos, Denver Regional Council of Governments, July 2019
Aging with Alzheimer\'s and Other Dementias, Coral Cosway and Danelle Hubbard, Alzheimer\'s Association, June 2019
Tailored Care (TCARE), Ali Ahmadi, May 2019
Seniors\' Resource Center, Heather Brozek, May 2019
Healthy Aging and Promising Practices, Andrea Kuwik, Bell Policy Center, April2019
Long Term Care Cost Study, Colorado Health Institute, November 2018
Senior Property Tax Exemption Materials, Prepared by Legislative Council Staff and Joint Budget Committee, September 2018
State Budget Overview: Aging-Related Programs and Services, Sam Zacher, Office of State Budget and Planning, April 2018
Employment Impact from Senior Spending in Colorado in 2014,The Department of Local Affairs, June 2017
Putting a Price on Caregiving, CHI, September 2016
Final Housing Report, The Highland Group, September 2016
Caregiving Memo, CHI
NCI-AD presentation, HCPF and CDHS
Presentation from Kelli Fritts, AARP
Boomer Bond presentation, May 2016
CMS Medicare presentation, April 2016
Colorado Medicaid and Older Adults, April 2016
Colorado Opportunities Project presentation, March 2016
Measuring Health in 65 and Older, Colorado Cross Agency Collaborative, 2016
Colorado Opportunities Framework document
Leeds presentation on aging in Colorado, February 2016
Newsletter and 1 page Handout from Knoebel Institute for Healthy Aging
Respite Care Task Force presentation, CDHS, February 2016
State fiscal impacts of the aging of Coloradans, Colorado Futures, January 2016
Federal Funding in Colorado from the Administration for Community Living
CDHS Division of Aging and Adult Services, Mindy Kemp, January 2016
Colorado Population Trends in Aging, Elizabeth Garner, Colorado Department of Local Affairs, 2015
Housing and Transportation, Brad Calvert and Matthew Helfant, DRCOG, December 2015
Housing, Alison George, Colorado Dept of Local Affairs, Division of Housing, December 2015
- Papers and Links
- Caregiving Friendly Workplace Toolkit, Colorado Respite Coalition, 2019
- 2016 Alzheimers Fact and Figures
- Colorado State Figures on Alzheimers
- Healthy Aging Begins at Home, BiPartisan Policy Center, May 2016
- Colorado Workers Face a Retirement Crisis April 2016, Bell Policy Center
- 3 Medicare Reforms That Could Keep Seniors Healthier, Wealthier, National Center for Policy Analysis, March 2016
- Colorado Health Foundation Report Card data on Healthy Aging and Infographics
- Respite Care Task Force Report, January 2016
- Colorado State Alzheimer Disease Plan, Colorado Alzheimer's Coordinating Council (CACC)
- Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment Infographics
- United States of Aging Survey
- National Council on Aging
- National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
- Colorado Aging Framework
- CDPHE Healthy Aging Plan
- Community Living Advisory Group final recommendations report, Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Finance
- Aging in the Pikes Peak, April 2015
- Aging, Agency, and Attribution of Responsibility: Shifting Public Discourse about Older Adults, Frame Works Institute
- Gauging Aging: Mapping the Gaps Between Expert and Public Understandings of Aging in America, Frame Works Institute
- Older Adults: Federal Strategy Needed to Help Ensure Efficient and Effective Delivery of Home and Community-Based Services and Supports, U.S. Government Accountability Office
- Older Adults one pager, U.S. Government Accountability Office
- Measuring Health in Adults 65 and Over: Colorado 2016, Colorado Cross-Agency Collaborative
- Elder Abuse Task Force Report, 2012
- Reports to the General Assembly
Strategic Action Plan on Aging, November 2016
Strategic Action Plan on Aging Update, December 2018