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Planning Group Subcommittees


Reach out to usat participate in subcommittee work.

2020 Subcommittee Schedule

The following subcommittees have been approved for 2020. They are:

Executive Committee 2020
Members: Christian Itin (Chair), John Emerson (Vice Chair), Sarah Elliott, Hayley Gleason, and Karin Stewart

Subcommittee on Rural Transportation
Purpose is to explore and develop potential strategies that may assist in improving transportation services and mobility options for older adults in rural Colorado.

Chairs: Jim Collins
SAPGA Members: Sophie Shulman, Jean Nofles,Dave Norman
Other Members: Moira Moon, TJ Burr, Ann Rajewski,Kate Williams, Joan Mobley, Ashley Taeckens, Zoe Devito, Susan Maxfield

Subcommittee on Workforce Development
Purpose is to continue the work of the committee on strategies to ensure an adequate future workforce for industries serving older Coloradans and to focus more intentionally on opportunities and strategies for older adults who want, or need, to stay in the paid or volunteer workforce.

Chairs: Tony Tapia and Teresa Falagrady
SAPGA Members: Karen Brown, John Zabawa, Ed Leary, Karin Stewart, Andrea Kuwik
Other Members: Ben Moultrie, Phil Nash, George Maxey

Subcommittee on Long-Term Services and Supports

Purpose is to explore a variety of issues related to long-term services and supports.

Chairs: Gabriel Kaplan and Jayla Sanchez-Warren
SAPGA Members: Christian Itin, John Emerson, Sarah Elliot, Karin Stewart, Kelly Osthoff
Other Members: Kristine Burrows


2019 Subcommittee Schedule

The following subcommittees have been approved for 2019. They are:

Executive Committee 2019
Members: Christian Itin (Chair), Maureen McDonald(Vice Chair), Steve Child, John Zabawa, and Sarah Elliott

Subcommittee on Transportation
Purpose is to explore and develop potential strategies that may assist in improving transportation services and mobility options for older adults, specifically those most at-risk regarding health and mobility concerns.

Chairs: Josh Laipply and Lisa Streisfeld
SAPGA Members: Jean Nofles, Sarah Elliott, Dave Norman, Steve Child, Jayla Sanchez Warren, Jim Collins
Other Members: Kate Williams, Joan Mobley, Ashley Taeckens, Zoe Devito, Susan Maxfield, Rebecca Gonzales, Jenn Briggs, George Maxey, Rich McClintock

Subcommittee on Workforce Development
Purpose is to continue the work of the committee on strategies to ensure an adequate future workforce for industries serving older Coloradans and to focus more intentionally on opportunities and strategies for seniors who want or need to stay in the paid or volunteer workforce.

Chairs: Tony Tapia and Teresa Falagrady
SAPGA Members: Karen Brown, Maureen McDonald, Coral Cosway, John Zabawa, Karin Stewart,
Other Members: Ben Moultrie, Phil Nash, Andrea Kuwik, Ed Leary


2018 Subcommittee Schedule

The following subcommittees have been approved for 2018. They are:

Executive Committee 2018
Members: Karen Brown (Chair), John Zabawa (Vice Chair), Steve Child, Dave Norman, and Tony Tapia

Subcommittee on Transportation
Purpose is to explore and develop potential strategies that may assist in improving transportation services and mobility options for older adults, specifically those most at-risk regarding health and mobility concerns.

Chairs: Josh Laipply and Jayla Sanchez-Warren
SAPGA Members: Karen Brown, Dave Norman, Claire Anderson, Donna Baros, Jean Nofles, Sarah Elliott, Dale Elliott, Steve Child, John Barry,
Other Members: Troy Larson and Wade Buchanan

Subcommittee on Workforce Development
Purpose is to continue the work of the 2016 committee on strategies to ensure an adequate future workforce for industries serving older Coloradans and to focus more intentionally on opportunities and strategies for seniors who want or need to stay in the paid or volunteer workforce.

Chairs: Christian Marcel Itin and Tony Tapia
SAPGA Members: Karen Brown, Maureen McDonald, Ben Moultrie, Sharron Williams, Coral Cosway, John Zabawa, Gabril Kaplan, Mindy Kemp, Karin Stewart, Natalie Wood
Other Members: Wade Buchanan and Troy Larson

2017 Subcommittees

2017 Subcommittee Schedule

The following subcommittees have been approved for 2017. They are:

Executive Committee 2017
Members: Jim Riesberg (Chair), Karen Brown, Wade Buchanan, Dave Norman, John Zabawa

Executive Committee 2017 agendas, minutes, files, etc.

Executive Committee is staffed by Sinergie Project

Subcommittee on Implementation
Purpose is to advocate for and assist in the implementation of the nine recommendations (and numerous sub-recommendations) in 2016 Initial Action Plan. Will focus on state legislative and executive branch action as well as local and regional implementation. May also track and recommend responses to relevant national policy developments.

Chairs: Mindy Kemp and Natalie Wood
SAPGA Members: Karen Brown, Wade Buchanan, Gregory P. Coopman, Melinda R. Kemp, Dave Norman, Jim Riesberg, Bonnie Silvia, Sallie R. Thoreson
Other Members: Cara Cheevers, Coral Cosway, Doug Krug, Katya Mauritson, Jayla Sanchez-Warren, Natalie Wood

Implementation Subcommittee 2017 agendas, minutes, files, etc.

Subcommittee on Local and Regional Implications and Planning
Purpose is to develop a deeper understanding of opportunities and challenges related to aging at the local and regional level, explore the different conditions and needs of rural and urban communities, encourage greater coordination and support of local and regional planning and implementation, and develop communications strategies.

Chairs: Steve Childs and Dave Norman
SAPGA Members: Claire Anderson, Wade Buchanan, Steve Child, Dale Elliott, Joshua Laipply, Jean Nofles, Dave Norman, Donna Rohde, Jayla Sanchez-Warren, Karin Stewart, John Zabawa
Other Members: Coral Cosway, Todd Coffey

Local and Regional Implications and Planning 2017 agendas, minutes, files, etc.

Subcommittee on Technology and Innovation

Purpose is to develop a deeper understanding of and potential recommendations around challenges and opportunities related to aging presented by changes in technology.

Chairs: Karen Brown and Ben Moultrie
SAPGA Members: Ky Agnew, Donna Lee Baros, Gregory P. Coopman, Susan Franklin, Joshua Laipply, Jean Nofles, Karin Stewart
Other Members: Hank Braaksma 
Bob Brocker, Joseph Lamers, Melanie Morgan, Doug Rex, Kate Williams

Technology Subcommittee 2017 agendas, minutes, files, etc.

Subcommittee on Workforce Development
Purpose is to continue the work of the 2016 committee on strategies to ensure an adequate future workforce for industries serving older Coloradans and to focus more intentionally on opportunities and strategies for seniors who want or need to stay in the paid or volunteer workforce.

Chairs: Christian Marcel Itin and Tony Tapia
SAPGA Members: Karen Brown, Gregory P. Coopman, Theresa Falagrady, Ben Moultrie, Sharron Williams
Other Members: Deb Bailey, Coral Cosway

Workforce Subcommittee 2017 agendas, minutes, files, etc.

All subcommittees are staffed by Lisa Carlson

Membership lists current as of 5-18-17