Subcommittee on Implementation
Purpose is to advocate for and assist in the implementation of the nine recommendations (and numerous sub-recommendations) in 2016 Initial Action Plan. Will focus on state legislative and executive branch action as well as local and regional implementation. May also track and recommend responses to relevant national policy developments.
Chairs: Mindy Kemp and Natalie Wood
SAPGA Members: Karen Brown, Wade Buchanan, Gregory P. Coopman, Melinda R. Kemp, Dave Norman, Jim Riesberg, Bonnie Silvia, Sallie R. Thoreson
Other Members: Cara Cheevers, Coral Cosway, Doug Krug, Katya Mauritson, Jayla Sanchez-Warren, Natalie Wood
Below are agendas, minutes, files and other information related to Implementation Subcommittee meetings in 2017.
All meetings will be held by telephone conference. Call in number: (712) 832-8290 Code: 308228#
June 5 Meeting Summary
July 13, 1-2:30 PM Agenda Action Plan
August 7, 9:00 - 10:30 AM Agenda Implementation Summary Implementation Action Plan Link to National Study of Employers Meeting Summary
September 19, 1-2:30 PM Agenda Implementation Summary Meeting Summary
October 2, 9:00 - 10:30 AM Agenda Implementation Summary 9 Grand Junction Meeting Breakout Summary Summit County Breakout Summary Meeting Summary
November 6, 9-10:30 AM Agenda PERA Board Proposal PERA Tour December Subcommittee Presentations Implementation Action Plan Update Agenda Summary
December 4, 9-10:30 AM Agenda Action Plan Update December Subcommittee Presentation Update