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Technology and Innovation Subcommittee Meeting Summary 6-26-17



June 26, 2017

Meeting Summary

Participants: Karen Brown, Ben Moultrie, Kate Williams, Ky Agnew, Donna Baros, Hank Braaksman, Bob Brocker, Josh Laipply, Jean Nofles, Karin Stewart, Kate Williams

Desired Outcomes:

  • Review and clarify progress to date
  • Better understand work of DRMAC and the Senior Resource Center to identify the implications for this planning group‚Äôs work
  • Develop and agree on next steps


Welcome, introductions, agenda review

Overview of progress to date (Karen/Ben)

--Work plan and timeline

Hank Braaksman (Senior Resource Center)

Kate Williams (DRMAC)

Develop and agree on the next steps

--Next meeting time/agenda topics
--Other updates or assignments


Work plan and Timeline For Subcommittee

  1. Create a summary of the transportation innovations that exist - what is being utilized and what is on the radar to be developed.
  2. Assesswhich might be expanded and provide significant benefit to the aging population.
  3. Assess if there are policy, legislative and/or funding barriers to further development.
  4. Summarize recommendations for policy/legislative and/or funding changes to Colorado state for discussion at November SAPGA meeting
  5. If we find opportunities to implement this year, we will take them!


Presentations- June/July/August - 1 meeting per month

Discussions Amongst the IC Committee on innovations of interest - September/October -2 meetings per month

Summary Report Preparation and Delivery- October and present to SAPGA in November (would like to have at least a small written report - even if only a compilation of all the presentations and a one-page summary sheet of options along with one page or two of recommendations - unless of course we could secure some limited funding to get writing done).

Senior Resource Center Transportation Overview (Hank Braaksman)

[A PowerPoint is available upon request]


  • Issue: Liability premiums have increase 40% recently
  • Opportunity and barrier ‚Äì Subcontractors (e.g. SRC) could be utilized to provide more efficient service for RTD, if the Board would elect to do so.
  • SRC also gets $ from the Older Americans Act
  • Possible opportunities include new SB-228 funds (transfers to capital construction), SB 267 (Hospital provider fee) financial package requiring $ to go to transit‚Äîhas not been allocated (Capital investment to drive down operating costs?) See: /sites/agingstrategy/files/16CDC%20Sobetski%20CDC%20SB%20228%20CCF%20Transfer%20Jan%206%202016.pdf
  • Issue: The on and off investment to CDOT and transit needs operating $ as well.

Denver Regional Mobility &, Access Council

[A handout of the Getting There Guide for DRMAC’s is available upon request]

  • Denver Regional Mobility &, Access Council provides the Getting There Guide as a resource guide to transportation services for the Denver Metro area
  • It is a Project of the Nonprofit Development Center, started over 10 years ago
  • The Guide is intended to help bridge the transportation gap of local citizens with mobility challenges, helping them live as independently as possible. The Guide is in Somalia, Arabic, Spanish, English
  • Opportunity: Leverage the work of the Local Coordinating Councils. LLCs are County-based and come together monthly to talk about what is available and what is not and needs to be. SMAC is the State Coordinating Council. The Regional Coordinating Councils meet quarterly.
  • Opportunity: Providing paid staff to help take the lead with the local and/or regional Councils
  • Coordinating Councils are not rooted in a bureaucracy
  • Challenge: Sometimes the people at the table are in competition for the same $. This will get worse as less money is available.
  • Missing piece: Who is controlling the money in human services transportation.
  • Opportunity: There is a collaboration to design a platform for all transportation people can share rides. To be piloted with Veterans to start. (Too maximize efficiency)
  • Research possibility: Collective funding streams and how to get these separate funding streams can have flexibility. We need to break down the constraints that come with the money and put it into one pot to decide what to do with it.. Good to identify but may be too difficult.
  • Recommendation: Support initial efforts of Veteran‚Äôs Transportation Community Living Initiative (VTCLI) (CDOT facilitator)
  • Opportunity State-wide volunteer driving opportunity or statewide technology that bring all options up.
  • Provision barriers (DRCOG does not allow Lyft) because of background checks) Silver, gold, platinum standards with sticker on cars? Possible legislation? PUC? Volunteers pay for their own background check.
  • Opportunity: Getting a charitable grant for training for volunteer drivers

Next Steps:

  1. Kate will get Transportation Coordination Systems Advisory Project report to Lisa
  2. Josh to follow up GM for presentation to this Subcommittee
  3. Modified Drivers license (daylight only)--look into it but needs to be cautious – should include a cognitive assessment (Karen will look into this)
  4. Panasonic City – prototype for kiosk and autonomous shuttle (Karen will contact for future meeting)
  5. Kate and Hank will get back to this group upon reflecting on the barriers and changes that would be helpful