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Meeting Minutes February 12, 2018

Strategic Action Planning Group on Aging Planning Group Meeting February 12, 2018

Participants: Karen Brown (chair), John Zabawa (vice-chair), Tony Tapia, Steve Child, Donna Lee Baros, John Barry, Coral Cosway, Sarah Elliott, Jean Nofles, Jim Riesberg, Gabriel Kaplan, Jayla Sanchez-Warren, Karin Stewart, Mindy Kemp, Sharron Williams, Natalie O’Donnell Wood, Maureen McDonald, Joshua Laipply, Staff: Amber Minogue, Gene Rose, Jarrett Hughes, Eliza- beth Garner (by phone)

Public Participants: Ed Shackelford (Colorado Senior Lobby), Rich Mauro (DRCOG), Hunter Woolen ((by phone) CU College of Nursing)

Action Items and Follow Up:

  • ‚úì Sinergie will work with Josh Laipply and Christian Itin to develop schedules for the Workforce and Transportation subcommittees.

  • ‚úì Sinergie will update Case for Support for SAPGA members to use, and amend as appro- priate, to fundraise and request sponsorship dollars.

  • ‚úì Karen will partner with Rich Mauro to assess the opportunity for soliciting General As- sembly for any unallocated monies to support SAPGA in 2018.

  • ‚úì A flyer will be sent out about the LCOA to Planning Group members for distribution.

  • ‚úì Members will begin outreach to potential corporate sponsors and report back at March


    Meeting Notes
    Welcome, Planning Group Business

  • Meeting called to order by Chair, Karen Brown at 12:00 pm.

  • December minutes approved

  • Welcome and introductions to new planning group members: Sarah Elliott, Maureen

    McDonald, Natalie O’Donnell Wood

  • Public comment: None

    Recap of Voting for 2018 Committee Work: Proposal of 2 subcommittees for the 2018 oper- ating year—Transportation and Workforce.

  • Public relations and education are important functions that each member should do anyway, it is not necessary to have a separate committee.

  • We need to limit the number of subcommittees so we can focus our work, achieve goals and demonstrate our influence, credibility and efficacy.

  • Christian Itin (per conversation with Tony Tapia) is still interested and continuing on as Workforce Chair.

  • Josh Laipply volunteered to chair the Transportation subcommittee, Jayla Sanchez- Warren volunteered to co-chair, and to volunteer her assistant to help with minutes and meeting administration.

    2018 Proposed Goals and Year End Deliverables

    1.) 2018 SAPGA Plan Update

  • Utilize Regional Meeting Input to Update SAPGA Plan

  • Utilize Past Contractor Work and Literature Search to Update SAPGA Plan

    2.) Legislative Caucus Meetings – at least 3 meetings during the session and one off session

3.) Comprehensive State Budget to include top 30 programs — partner with Senior Advisor on Aging regarding this.

4.) Track and support existing recommendations
5.) Individual Subcommittees implement two of their 2017 recommendations 6.) Fundraising Goal - $200,000


  1. If we highlight a goal around long-term care, per the Lt. Govenror’s request, we will

    need to be clear about what we are trying to achieve and where we focus our energy.

  2. Now may be a good time to include a statewide conference or summit on aging. There is interest from many parties, including the AAA’s. We will need to decide who our tar-

    get audience is to determine if we want a summit or a conference.

o Potentially, with the addition of a Senior Advisor, perhaps the conference could be in

partnership with him as a ‘state of the state’ on aging.
o Need to decide funding mechanism for the event, potentially with sponsorships.
o Look to University of Denver who is planning a Poster Session conference in April

o Talk to Colorado Non-Profit Association about becoming a track on their annual confer

o Partner with Colorado Gerontological Society

SAPGA Financials


Update - No funding expected from DRCOG at this point, they are still waiting for their Federal appropriation. Nothing from AARP. State request denied. Next 50 Initiative denied funding, still waiting for feedback.

Using an updated private sector organization list — SAPGA members split into small groups to identify possible connections and opportunities to make sponsorship requests for SAPGA’s work in the coming months. Assignments included:

Assignments from small groups:
o Xcel Energy (Jayla), Walgreens (Jayla), AARP opportunities through website, distribution (Jean), 9News (Maureen), Panasonic (Jayla), Coors (Tony), JP Morgan (Natalie), Alpine Bank (Steve), Encana (Sarah), Prologis (Sarah), Schwab (Karen), American Furniture Warehouse (John), DaVita (John), CVS (Donna), Coors (Donna), Chipotle (Coral), St. Josephs (Sharron), TCF (Sharron), JP Morgan (Joshua), Vail Resorts (Jim), and, Anadarko (Jim). • •

SAPGA was denied a grant from the Next 50 Initiative. Karen has left a message with the foundation to get feedback about reasons for denial and possible next steps. SAPGA currently has $20,000 in the bank that is unallocated and another approximate- ly $5,000 in the remainder of the Sinergie Project contract for work to be completed in February.

To address administrative needs, committee members will need to step up and fulfill some of the administrative functions including meeting minutes, scheduling and facilitation.

Other organizations to solicit were identified, including Innovage, New Belgium, Piton Foundation, Kaiser, Met Life, TIAA, Subaru, travel and tour agencies, AAA (auto insur- ance)
During legislative session, there are some dollars that remain unallocated until the end of session. We should see if we can access these monies for SAPGA. Karen will partner with Rich Mauro to assess the opportunity to solicit and secure funds.

Developing a one-page description of SAPGA, its goals, recommendations and accom- plishments will be a useful tool for people to use to make requests. Sinergie Project has already completed a “Case for Support” document that has a request letter, spon- sorship levels, and other important information. They will update the document and distribute to Planning Group members. Document should articulate the “Value Add” of SAPGA (i.e. leadership, coordination, communication, advocacy)

Sponsorships could be solicited for specific and tangible work products (i.e. news- letter, Legislative Caucus meeting, conference, etc)
Consideration needs to be made about a process of consideration for whom we will accept money. We should develop a policy on this issue. Wade Buchanan will check to see if there is guidance on this issue. Karen will look to see if there are policy models to emulate.

Update on Legislative Caucus on Aging

  • Jan. 26, we had 3 presenters including the Colorado Health Institute. Attendees in- cluded 8 Planning Group members. More than 60 people attended the session.

  • Next meeting is February 23rd from 7:30-9 am in House Room 107 ‚Äî Senior Housing will be topic with a review of the Highlands Group Report. A reminder flyer will be sent for people to share with their networks.

  • Other meetings this session: March 21st from 12-1 pm lunch with the LCOA co-chairs on Colorado Seniors day, in partnership with the Colorado Senior Lobby. March 23rd from 7:30-9 am, topic will be Colorado Futures Center Report on Medicaid and Property Tax projections.

    Regional Meetings Recommendation - Prioritizing – Breakout Groups

    Breaking into small groups, SAPGA members reviewed recommendations that came out of the 2017 regional meetings specific to housing. Members vetted and prioritized recom- mendations for focus in 2018.

    Group 1 Priorities:
    1 - Expand funding for and/or create in-home modification waivers to do more retrofits and modifications to prolong ability to live in current home – (publicize USDA HUD modification dollars available for retrofit)
    2 - Create incentives, tax breaks and/or subsidies for landlords and developers to create senior housing (publicize the opportunities so developers will take advantage of)
    3 - Utilize existing studies (Highlands Report) and
    identify the dollar need, statewide and regionally, for each local government (and the state) on needs for housing
    4 - Further subsidize assisted living (tiers for subsidized living depending on senior care needs like adult day care is structured)

    Group 2 Priorities:
    1 - Require city and/or county planning to integrate/intentionally plan for all types of se- nior housing (ideally with access to healthy food, mobility opportunities, recreation)
    2 - Zoning changes (county/municipal/HOA) to allow house-sharing – co-housing (of unre- lated people) and/or Granny Pod – accessible dwelling units – ensure you could also bring a senior into your home to care for them if it was their choice and you agreed
    3 - Create a list of older buildings that could be rehabilitated or refurbished to be senior housing– solutions beyond just “build more stuff”

3 - Incentivize and promote pilots of intergenerational housing (seniors and students in dormitory or students in senior living communities including assisted, skilled and/or memory care) – age-based ratios

Group 4 Priorities:
1 - Provide education on senior living options (all types) – navigator for home living options 2 - Education and outreach campaigns to shift culture: families/individuals/community to "own" this demographic shift and needing families to be involved, rather than expecting government to solve the problems. Create awareness of how to be involved and prepare. 2 - Campaign to help culture change so people aren\'t as tied to "their home" – recognize there could be a good life beyond living in their existing home – can age with quality in many locations
3 - Increase Village and/or NORC models – engage municipalities and counties to partici- pate, “Innovative Housing”
4 - Create a segment of Habitat for Humanity - for seniors only

NEXT MEETING: MARCH 12, 2018, 12:00 to 3:00 pm at the DANIELS FUND, 101 MONROE STREET, DENVER

Meeting Adjourned: 2:52 pm