Legislative Caucus on Aging Presents
A Glimpse into the Challenges of Aging in Colorado in the 21st Century
WHAT: You are invited to learn about what Coloradans are saying regarding the challenges of aging and how vulnerable the aging population is in Colorado.
WHEN: January 26, 2018 – 7:30 am to 8:45 am – continental breakfast and coffee
WHERE: 1525 Sherman – Room 603
SAPGA Overview and Conversations on Aging (regional meeting summary) - Karen Brown, SAPGA Chair
Governor’s Senior Policy Advisor on Aging – Wade Buchanan
Colorado Seniors and Their Health: Where Are Older Adults Most Vulnerable? –
Colorado Health Institute, Sara Schmitt
Legislative Discussion of 2018 Aging-related legislation
WHY: With unprecedented growth – the third fastest in the nation – the number of people aged 65 and older in Colorado will increase by nearly 70 percent by 2030. This rapid change will affect nearly every aspect of Coloradan’s lives – from the economy - to state and local budgets - to job growth.
QUESTIONS/RSVP: For questions and to RSVP, please contact Andrea Wilkins with the Sinergie Project at 303.521.1759 or at andrea@sinergieproject.com or Karen Brown - SAPGA Chair - at karen.peffer.brown@gmail.com.
HOSTED BY: The Legislative Caucus on Aging Co-Chairs – Senator Beth Martinez Humenik and Representative Joann Ginal and the Strategic Action Planning Group on Aging (SAPGA).
(You may download our flyer.)