Legislative Caucus on Aging Presents
Homestead Exemption Facts, Projections and Exploring it’s Future in Colorado
WHAT: You are invited to learn about the projected fiscal impact for the Senior and Disabled Veteran Property Tax Exmeption, commonly reffered to as the Homestead Exemption.
WHEN: Wednesday April 4, 12:00 - 1:00 pm
WHERE: Colorado State Capitol 200 E. Colfav Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80203 - Senate Committee Room (SCR) 357
CALL IN: 605-472-5561 Access Code: 507406
WHO WILL PRESENT: Rep. Chris Kennedy - House District 23; Natalie O'Donnell Wood, The Bell Policy Center; Vance Roper, Joint Budget Committee Staff; Greg Sobetski, Legislative Council Staff
WHY: With unprecedented growth – the third fastest in the nation – the number of people aged 65 and older in Colorado will increase by nearly 70 percent by 2030. Correspondingly, the Homestead Exemption reimbursement is anticipated to grow tremendously as well. It has nearly doubled from $84.5 million in 2008 to an estimated $154 million in 2018.
RSVP: For questions and to RSVP please contact Jarett Hughes or Karen Brown, SAPGA Chair, at sapgacolorado@gmail.com.
HOSTED BY: The Legislative Caucus on Aging Co-Chairs include Senator Beth Martinez Humenik, Senator Nancy Todd, Representative Susan Beckman, and Representative Joann Ginal and the Strategic Action Planning Group on Aging (SAPGA).