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Remote Meetings Until Further Notice

All Planning Group meetings will be held remotely in the coming months. These meetings will require log-in information and the appropriate password for added security. If you would like to join, please email for the appropriate log-in information. We apologize for any inconvenience or logistical issues that may arise.

Until further notice, regional Conversations on Aging are being postponed as we adhere to the direction from Governor Polis and our public health officials. Ensuring the safety of older Coloradans is of primary importance. Stay tuned for more details and reach out to with any questions.

The Strategic Action Planning Group on Aging is pleased to share the 2020 Strategic Action Plan on Aging. The 2020 Strategic Action Plan on Aging represents the final mandated update to the Colorado General Assembly but does not represent the end of the Planning Group’s work efforts.  The Planning Group’s statutory authority runs through 2022 and it intends on releasing another update in 2021.  We look forward to engaging with you as we continue this work.  Behind the generation of baby boomers, Colorado has an even larger population of millennials that are projected to experience similar, or greater, life expectancies.  This demographic reality, coupled with decreasing birth rates post-1996, will result in a new normal of demographic composition that demands the integration of an aging perspective across all levels of government, cross-agency coordination of existing programs and services, and the effective implementation of emerging strategies.

Colorado is one of the healthiest state's in the nation and a wonderful place for older adults to engage in encore careers and various forms of value-driven engagement. Current, and future, generations of older Coloradans will continue to provide economic, social, and civic value to our communities for decades to come. At the same time, this dynamic demographic shift requires an assessment of how our state, communities, and businesses address a multitude of issues associated with later life. Take a look!


Read Our 2018 & 2019 Action Plans

              Click on the images to link to the full plan 

What's New

Link to Article
Follow this link to the full report


March 2025
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Upcoming 2022 Meetings

All upcoming meetings will be held remotely and will begin at 12:00 pm. Email for log-in information and password to meeting room. 

The last SAPGA Member meeting took place May 9, 2022.